Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • [size=4]Shattered Worlds :: War-Torn![/size] SW:WT is something different in the world of MP Freelancer. Truly unique and original in concept, we have brought together Modders from over 6 different communities to create a very talented Development Team. Collectively, the team combined modding knowledge and lessons learned from numerous mods/servers, to overhaul the entire game, from the ground up. Implementing an innovative balance scheme, over 1500 new types of weapons/equipment/commodity item…
  • Thank you sir! I appreciate it much.
  • Thank you for all of your nice comments. Its very appreciated. @SaxonRaiderYes we have pirate/police style rp guidelines. They can tax, and do raids on lawful bases. We also have a conquest system where clans can fight for territory. Player looting, Kill bonus's and we are in the process of implementing a cargopod economy that allows pirates to shoot off pods of player traders and recieve a money bonus for each unit of cargo that was in the pod (if they have a transport ship, with them, they ca…
  • I forgot about this thread. Thanks for the complements everyone, it is appreciated. :] I have more screenshots for your viewing pleasure. No ENB hacks were used... we done a lot of working trying to figure out how FL processes it's textures and making them the highest quality possible without making large 1024x1024+ size texture files. I hope you enjoy the pics... Battle at the Shikoku->Galileo Jumpgate Threeway Fight Between Bretonia, Kusari and the Guild Corsair Cruiser Limping Home Guild Bat…
  • We have our first real mod video. Please check it out and let me know what you think... If you have high speed then watch it in high quality. If not, you're stuck with the crappy inbedded video copy. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.…