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Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • guys , more of you concern about SP , the mod is based more on MP , let OP finish his job with MP setting and then he will took care about your "important" problems , still i donno why ppl dont play MP
  • but he did his best in modding as the matter of fact , the thing that you play in SP , you haven't realized it yet ? . And about MY opinion , well you're wrong... tell me then , how would you RP in SP , how would you make the game more interactive in SP and finally why don't you play in MP ?? that why the mod was designed (besides SP storyline wich will come in 1.9 if i'm not wrong ) . If you play MP its the same as SP , only the good taste of the mod comes there ! Consider that and advise !
  • well the reason that Microsoft cut off some content from Freelancer was unkown . I've seen several trailers for Freelancer , ofc with different content . OP , those files are accesible and can be modified ? In fact my q is... its possible to modify the source game code ?
  • its strange that microsoft didn't released the code for such an old game ... they could give it to several communities like Swat-portal , didn't hurt anyone though. UT3 released for modding communities the graphic source code so... MS can do the same with FL , shame on them .
  • FL 2 was just a project that MS canceled it if you don't recall.
  • as i said before... no reasons for MS
  • hmmm right... my bad , but who knows.. it could be useful for some freelance codders , indie game producers or something simillar . Ofc MS see that they make such games , they will demand some money for it , but if those are free to download and no money are making from them...