Search Results

Search results 1-3 of 3.

  • The adverstising should be done for the Community and TSP did a good Step with the Community Bar imO. But just to say it, when i am searching through the Web the only easy thing which can be done by all is advertising in Community Portals from Members, like Simba did it on sivhosten, those articles are pretty well ranked. Multi Clan Portals are good Platforms aswell. I tried advertising CF in some Forums but the outcome was lets say not good enough for the Threads i wrote. At least there have t…
  • (Quote)When i´ve learned just one thing in the past then it is this: Some places will accept only one top dog. It would be contraproductive imhO.
  • There are/was some Projects around to widen the SP Campaign. (dunno, sounds like a SP add too) Two of the Projects are german ones. If you know something about scripting, a good editor and have plenty of time or a team it can be done. You´ll find all the needed downloads here at SWAT.