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  • I know Discovery for some years now, there has always been some aspects that I enjoyed in that server/mod, there has been other ones that I dislike. I have to say that it is right, there's not much new on that mod if you are looking for new mod features, most of the systems created are very poor, and the economy wasn't even touched (so far as I remember). The only good things that Discovery managed to build in my opinion was a way of RP which works and can be called by that, supported by an ave…
  • (Quote) I doubt, guys I won't say that everyone in Discovery is like these guy, let's focus in facts and not tag an all community by the posts of some kids. There's good people in Discovery has there is in a lot of servers, however these kind of comments really shows how some people feel and think about it. which make's me think 2 from one, or these guys never played else where or it's a completely looser an never made anything decent in other servers.