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  • I've heard rumors of this concept before - many months back I think. Sounded intriguing at the time. With any luck it will blossom into a promising feature. Does this somehow tie into destructable stations, by any chance?
  • Going back to the original post - will somebody be keeping tabs on the use of this weapon to make sure that its use is being detered by the high cost (that is, to make sure that a few billion is actually keeping clans from using these frequently)? I suppose more important of a question - is a system permamently destroyed after firing such a weapon? This could get very interesting, but I fear the consequences of anonymous destruction of clansystems, systems vital to the CF storyline, those linkin…
  • @CA: I think OP is presenting this bomb as a multi-component item, the individual pieces being 2B perhaps... forcing the player to get a part, then trade to get another part, ect. Edit: nvm, he posted first xD @Hole Discussers in General: From what I've heard a black hole is not even a hole, but rather a tremendous amount of mass compacted into an area smaller than that of a neutron star. It's gravity is so great that it appears to be somehow different, but rather it is just so powerful as to d…
  • Well, if it doesn't have shields I honestly look forward to hitting one with a CD and imagining the expression on the pilot's face.
  • Expanding on what CA said, it would also make sense that all original asteroid fields, nebulae, and minefields in an impacted system also be destroyed. That said, the forced nova of a star would also produce an expansive nebula. Perhaps a system suffering such an attack should have a huge gas cloud? On another note, being able to undock from a destroyed station or planet makes sense. A ship stranded in dock would be relatively shielded from a shockwave, and bases probably aren't entirely disint…
  • (Quote) Well, if the star goes nova getting close enough to it to ensure the bomb hits would be like dropping a H-bomb from a low-flying aircraft in RL. Unless you fire the weapon from sufficient distance that you can hit a jump before the detonation I'd say the person firing it off is pretty screwed. That shockwave isn't going to be any more friendly towards you than the nearby planet just because you were the one who dropped it. On the other hand... if a ship's shields only get hit once the s…