Search Results

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  • Got to say this is the best news I heard on the forums for a very long time - thanks OP and thanks to your advisers and helpers. I realise server clans have high priority - but I hope that the future rp plans will be very inclusive and allow clans like IFC to participate easily. I would not want freelancers or others (non server clan people) to be in a queue to 'make up the numbers' - I would accept direction from rp commanders to join whichever side as appropriate.
  • (Quote) Aarrrghhh! This aint fair - Who was this mighty and fearless pirate that managed to corner the most elusive and slippery slimey pilot that ever existed in time and space? Surely we must build a gold statue in their honour and write stories for little pirate children that there is nothing that cannot be achieved if you persevere and there is no mountain that cannot be climbed. Who is this legendary pirate that accomplished this impossible feat? The sky is no longer the limit.