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  • Err, i think you are wrong Bhaal.The Jews decided to give Jesus up to the Romans and accuse him of high treason agaisnt the Romans. Pilatus said we have no evidence of that, hence the saying of his( i wash my hands) he did not have to do anything with the execution of an innocent man. I believe the only mistake they have make is in the spoken language of the times. Every educated man knows that, the common used language, spoken, in all Roman Provinces at that time, was Greek. Not Aramatic.Aramat…
  • That review was utterly rubbish.The guy found the wholly movie false because of the gory bits? Tell him to read more history, and then listen to other critics as well.
  • Jesus Christ (c.6 BC-c. AD 30), the central figure of Christianity, believed by his followers to be the Son of God. In Christian belief Jesus Christ is fully divine, of one essence with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit in the doctrine of the Trinity. The Gospels of the Bible are the main sources of information about Jesus. According to them, Jesus was born at Bethlehem to Mary, by tradition a virgin, in the reign of Augustus Caesar. He was brought up at Nazareth in Galilee and received a …
  • Greek Orthodox Christian.
  • It was just afew who were shuting to free Barabas and execute Crist!