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  • The Passion

    some things u should b aware of: Film should b correctly titled "The Passion of Mel" cos he cant tell the difference Nicely antisemitic - kinda ignores the fact the Pontius Pilate was the one responsible for the cruxifiction, NOT the Jewish High Priest. Thank u Hollywood for once again screwing with the facts (see U571...among others) Read this...[URL=,4267,1158620,00.html]Review by Mark Kermode[/URL] (this critic is very good…
  • The Passion

    Firstly, its Aramaic, and it was the language most widely spoke in Israel/Palestine at the time. It was the language the bible was first writen in. Secondly, history shows that Pilate was a murdering thug...on the whole. The Jews where NOT responsible for the death of Jesus. that was just yet another excuse for some uneducated ppl in the middle ages to go on a pogrom...or do u believe we eat the flesh of christian babies at pesach (which insidentally starts tomorrow) as well...or all the other …
  • The Passion

    oh ffs i love ur ignorance.
  • The Passion

    can i just enquire wat the faiths of andy and pele are? i find this intruiging.... anyway...for now im not gonna say any more...i will find some sources to prove i know wat im talking about, then i will be able to explain wat i said slightly better...till then...
  • The Passion

    "The Prophets and the Apostles have recorded in written form a portion of the oral teaching of the Old Testament in Hebrew and Aramaic as well as the New Testament in Greek. "...ok pele, so we were both right slightly different ways other than that i wont say any more here, except that i think the film depicted the High Priest in a rather distored light, making him seem rather evil. oh yeh, remember the FILM? lol...hmm maybe we could start a bible debate thread...but that would b bor…
  • The Passion

    well ill let u into a little secret...after 13 years of Torah and Talmud now an atheist LOL
  • The Passion

    lol we did go off on a *bit* of a tangent there didnt we?my bad