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  • Could a mod plz lock this thread. First 2 posts make sense, the rest is just... Why do so many ppl post about CF which they gave up playing already or taking a break from.always this "in the past " or "before 1.7" , who or let it be. stop judging about things u didn't even see with your own eyes and especially not in public.
  • i dont caref u think im total noob to the internet, computer and everything else related to it. Since u already cheated yourself here, i dont need to tell u, but there's plenty of youtube videos were kiddies explain other kdidies how to cheat (most games dont allow ini editing...), so yes, i think there might be a really tiny bit of a chance that someone is cheating. But if u would have read Simba's post completely, or trusted in OPs / Simba's judgement (both arent new to computers either...) y…