Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • OK guys i hate to burst your buble and rain on your paprade but i feel i have to say somthing.... cheats are possible and do go undetected... you can scan FL and CF files as much as you like and you will not find anything.... I can easily make a BPMK3 out turn and Lagg ..... not possible without file manipulation. I have tried and tested this and had SP scan me.... nothing can be found.... Im not here to accuse people of cheating but to come out and say" this cant be so because we can check" is…
  • Thats ok Burro..... simply put unless your are totally stupid and drop your firewall there is no way othere than hacking a pc that any SP can scan any files on your pc.... My firewall allows FL to broadcast... remote acsess incomming transmissions are blocked as with most good firewalls, I use Zone Alarm firewall these days since i got hacked 3 times about 2 years ago from someone on CF whilst ingame.... zone alarm detects anything unusual whilst im playing online... i have had it twice while p…
  • ok burro ill put it this way.... i can change values on nudge force and turning keep a copy on my original not pad file.... i could give remote acsess to an sp and copy over that not pad file in 1 second if that..... not hard to do .... this note pad file is 800kb so i could over write and modified note pad file quicker than you could OK the remote link. So basically it prooves nothing.... but i can proove how its done and how quick i can put my file back to normal.
  • Hmm actually no Simba i dont think your a moron if i did i would have told you by now:) but like i say there is a serious lack of knowledge when it comes to cheating and how to cheat..... i am willing to show you... walk you through the whole procdure and also show you how a cheat is possible and for it to go undetected by SP's even if you were to scan me while im playing.... I will not post the instructions in public otherwise we would have everyone doing it..... but i am prepared to show a se…
  • Doom just to bring you upto speed... as it seems that you have been asleep for the last 8 months or more.... SWAT forum is a gamming forum not just for CF ... yes ok i havent played for a month doesnt mean im not entitled to an oppinion .... so either you are nervous to what i can disclose or you think cheating cant be done. well thats the problem Doom i have seen people cheat with my own eyes and not just fighting against me but with otheres to.... im not here to judge Jack as i have already s…
  • I never said you were a total noob... infact i dont bothere myself to think anything about you .... i have never had a problem with you in the past Doom so i never judge you. I agree there are kiddies out there now that have vids on utube exlaining how to cheat ..... so what do you do... well you either pretend its not happening ... you open up the server to people modding there ships .... which i think could be quite interesting or you come up with somthing that stops the adjustments being mad…