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  • Sovetskya Rented

    If I may quote one friend of mine: "hmmm, interesting". Good luck with your system. And Lucy, there are one man clans
  • Sovetskya Rented

    Hmmm, interesting. I remember someone saying something and I see someone not doing the thing he insisted other people to do even when they already did it. Really interesting.
  • Sovetskya Rented

    (Quote) (Quote) We sell shields even to clans we are in war with. So again what about Hiruga?
  • Sovetskya Rented

    (Quote) Seems like you can read my mind
  • Sovetskya Rented

    (Quote) True. That makes us cool . When you get used to it you will either think you are Napoleon or you'll be like Az and Lucy . There is no middle way! Oh wait I remember - one lad was thinking he is Richard the Lionheart. He gathered an army and went into the DK space. Noone have heard about him since then .