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  • well.. since sov is rented now, im not going down there anymore, im afraid. and unfortunaly is there no way to go to Tomsk anymore, vorkuta either, neither to yakutsk. (unless i can dock backwards on the 1-way-JH in Omega 41 *lol*) but so far sirius is large enough, and does have less DK, then the systems in altair have. and there are more players in sirius, then in altair. but anyway. i wish Rackateer (Gunny, or whatever his names will be in the future) good luck with defending the system. and…
  • Hey Rackateer .. i miss the point for access granted/denied for freelancers, above lvl 65 (not wearing any licenses. in case, you are not online, to ask for permission, or someone else, who is able to give/denie permission for sov.will it be invading, if no one is online? will it be tolerated? will it be accepted, or will it become punished, to go there, if the server is pretty empty? and how about mercs above lvl 65?