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  • I'm in with the rest of the #3s.. 1) I don't think they deserve relations with SWAT, given their past and current actions. 2) CA is right, they are a walking corpse whose only claim on the real TLR (the old one) is the name. 3) I have a tremendous problem with the fact that Mental has former TLR HACKERS working on his site. This could be dangerous for SWAT and any community that has relations with them.. 4) Refusing to acknowledge TLR will eliminate a ton of stress and aggravation to you, OP, a…
  • @ mknote Dude.. seriously.. why in the hell would someone want to try a takeover of TLR??? We've got everything we need right here already.. You may have some sentimental love for what used to be, but things change M8.. sometimes drastically.. and not for the better. The SWAT community has seen what kind of back-stabbing, asinine jerks the people at TLR have become, and some of us believe we don't need to be tainted by TLR anymore. So, you just do whatever you think you have to do.. but, this t…
  • [697] All I can say is.. my decision was based on the current situation. I've been following this whole mess because whatever happened over there did have some effect on SWAT.. and it still does, to a certain degree.. as it affects you, OP.. and you are, after all, the heart of SWAT. But I don't think that should be the case anymore. And yes, if circumstances in the future change for the better, I don't see why SWAT can't make other decisions based on those changes.. but right now, I feel like …
  • WHO THE HELL IS KYLE??? As far as I know, there's no one registered here under the name of 'Kyle'.. so if its one of our members, then I'm sure he'll have the decency to address what was posted above. And why is it that anyone who has a beef with TLR, just HAS to be from SWAT??? We are automatically accused? Is that it? This guy could be from Starport or some other community for all you know.. yet here you are on SWAT accusing us, for the umpteenth time, without even knowing if this guy is a me…
  • @ Slayer You do have a point M8.. but I don't go to TLR or try to cause trouble on their site.. however... if those motherfuckers come here and start their bullshit, then I have a major problem. I don't consider it lowering myself to defend SWAT on the SWAT forum. I consider it a duty to do so, as a loyal member of this community. I'm afraid we will have to agree to disagree.. I get my maternal instincts on sometimes.. you know, like the Mama Tiger when her cub is in danger? And those people ar…
  • (Quote) Really good posting by Gunny. And I too think he's right. Of course you have our support and backing in whatever you choose to do, OP, but I think you should carefully consider what Gunny said here.. This whole thing is becoming more and more destructive to FL the longer it drags out.. and I know you feel like you have a responsibility in some ways to the Old TLR, or you have some very rigid principles about what is fair and just in the world of FL and all the communities involved in FL…