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  • (Quote) Its not a hacking war what we need laser, we have far more than them to loose in that war as they dont give a crap about their sites...that atm are worthless btw, regardless the fact that we are not that kind of ppl that go hacking sites here and there, we wont lower to their level, thats a fact. I would rather set them to ETERNAL IGNORE status, as if they dont exist the best thing you can do with that kind of ppl.
  • (Quote) To set ppl in properly contex, you are not on of TLR staff but you are one of those that supprt those that hacked SP and SWAT... Please finish your senteces with all the properly info, otherwise you give half of the info and only one sided, exactly what you claim that OP is doing.
  • I think thats the only thing they have now, the name and the downloads....the ppl hanging out and contributing to mods and helping are gone...maybe forever... Nice trick btw...
  • All thats is very interesting Louva but I do have 3 questions: (Quote) 1.- Does this means that if we dont comply to what Azza and his gang wants we are under a constant threath of being hacked? I ask you this cause where I live we call that blackmailing...its like to sit on a table to talk when you put a gun over the table...nice way to talk with freedom... 2.- I dont see in any of your logs those in that Knife talks about how he attacked SWAT because he thinks OP is with Torch...or somethng l…