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  • In SP, I noticed some banners in systems... clan banners...and after reading the forums a bit I assume that I would have to ask permission to travel trough those systems ...I guess I will be shot at sight when I do so without permission... Question is... what will happen when I encounter one of you in a system not controlled by a specific clan... outside Planet Manhattan I noticed a board with rules including the phrase 'no PvP in New York' , so I guess if I encounter one of u outside New York …
  • Thanks for the head's up I will look into the RP forums... Is there anything else I should need to know except what u just told me and the general server rules ?
  • np just like the way I always acted in the previous games no batts and botts? sounds a bit weird to me but okay, understood.
  • Yea, that's why i ran away after 2 weeks WoW, level 70 teenagers challenging my 32 paladin over and over again and saying : ZOMG IV JUST PWND THA NOOB ! pfffft, get a life or something... Don't worry, I'm very polite and very sportive;) And....Chuck Norris FTW
  • Never knew that I could win an award for that But there is still one thing on my mind... the non-usage of batts and botts (assuming that u mean shield batteries and nanobots) in PvP, I don't really see the logic on that issue, offcourse I will respect it but could u tell me why ?
  • I think that I understand the point. I used to play a certain game for a long time.After an combat upgrade the healing skills were improved so much that PvP battles turned out to be 'healing wars' instead of a good old classic fight. And I was worried that PvP only would take a few seconds and maximum a minute this way, it has been proved otherwise it seems Thanks for the replies