Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • (Quote) a) i do not know or remember u, but if u r DC (from reading ur signature: "DC_[SW-Capt.]_FiReLove "), then please register at the DC forumb) DC is allied to BG, so u can pass Custodian without problems.
  • please check these Role Play Rules. for open role play scroll down a bit. below level 40 u r save. above 40 it depends on the role u take (police, pirate, merc, smuggler)
  • please do not suicide outside of Arena systems, do not use batts and botts in PvP if in a fighter and always say a "gf" after a PvP. do not hesitate to ask any pilot online for help (but avoid begging for money^^).
  • it could also be seen as a mean to limit PvP time... (feel free to use as many batts and botts as u want when fighting with NPC only^^)