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  • Well for a start, Crossfire isnt the easyest mod out of all. Alot of new people, if you ask if they want help, they say yes I help them Thats just a normall thing, as Crossfire is very big, and has alot of new stuff. Sme people just want to get far very soon (me included), so technically, if people want the spoilers, I agree on helping them. I have had people that I offered for help and said, I dont want the help now etc so this is pretty balanced imo Edit: The storyline, Is there really a stor…
  • (Quote) As I said, I was at Nephele last time, But I do not interest myself because in my view it stays a story behind Crossfire I know I could get everywhere, but a story, really should be a story line if it has linked things such as cinema's as well I havnt been to death valley yet, I always go with another person to those type of systems that are from nomad / dom kav. Thats what I like the most, to team with other's against NPC's If you understand what I mean, if not I will try to explain it…
  • yes, but still, that is interested to discuss, quests can either be seen as a strive to gathering things, or as a strive as a story, Those are 2 different things if you explored the many many games as I have had. For instance, Story line based games if you play SP like Unreal, Quake 2, Thats a story line differend from a quest A quest, I played this game on PS2, called monster hunter, which brings in a great example of quests, Quests are usually missions to search things, so bassically those ar…
  • Wavie, Its a quest But nonetheless, if this is getting interestesting as what XRay said, really relating to the story of CF and not discovering places etc I would do it one time, untill I get lost, I ask coords :p