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  • I seem to have read through so many Ship building guides and tutorials but can not seem to end my confusion on the ship structure. I belive it would be shown best in a mindmap style graphical chain but untill i know how it works i couldnt start to know what links to what The base reason for the question is one that ill not post but instead ask for guidance along the lines. Its mostly to do with Ship structure in FL ini files.the path to Follow from Purchase at a Base to Hard code. What i know s…
  • Yeah i dont know enough about adding thinks that dont already exist lol, but hey we only learn by pushing the boundarys I got a bit further in my quest but i just cant work out some of the relationships between definitions in different files...~ I think i explain it better like this The problem i have is in editing a ship.Im working for Multiplayer in LAN. What i want to do is add on a Hardpoint say HpAriel01 So i have edited the ships cmp to add the hardpoint Now i want the Item on the Hardpoi…
  • In Shiparch only if i change hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_generator, HpEngine01, HpEngine02 <--- Normal linehp_type = hp_fighter_shield_generator, HpAriel01, HpEngine01, HpEngine02 <-- Seems to Adds a slot to Ship With that changed and no Loadout changes = Extra Slot and no Arielwith that changed and Loadout changed = Extra Slot with Ariel in it + Ariel is shown in Inven but is also in the as Extra Slot on shield menu As i dont want it to show up ingame it seems im best not to add to shiparch as…
  • Sorry i used that as an example so the names would follow as you read it Im using the hardpoints found freelancer. not a custom one. Im doing something like add a custom gun to the ship but it wont need to shoot and will be internal and to not show to the player, it will be checked by scripts to say ship has or doesnt have the item. I almost have it working just when, First i add the HP HpWeapon08 to the cmpMp_loadout i add the equip=ariel_fighter, HpWeapon08 It works and the script finds the a…
  • Thank you Both Magnet and Swat for you support I have finally managed to resolve my problem.Its made me a better FL modder and made me double check my coding in future Again thank you both!