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Search results 1-17 of 17.

  • Have u...

    Yes... In CounterStrike, Age Of Empires, SiN Episodes: Emergence (hey, at least i admit it) Have you ever punched through a stack of 6 windows with your fist? (with no protection on it)
  • Have u...

    oohhh yeah! Didn`t eat anything for a week, because i was tied to my infusion system with Metathrexat, or whatever it`s spelled, running through my blood system. As soon as i even took a look at food, i automatically trew up... but still was hungry (a kinda weird dilemma).About the punching glass thing - i did it a twice. 1st - when my last GF diched me because of one of my best friends (i really loved her... was together with her for 1.2 years). And 2nd - when my blood alcochol level was on 0.…
  • Have u...

    Yes (nifty small pills... effect lasts for 7 hours) Have you ever fallen from a 15 meter tall tree and not felt a thing when you landed?
  • Have u...

    yes... well, not quite. when i was 5 i sat in the lap of a helicopter pilot while he was flying have you ever... shit your pants? xD
  • Have u...

    yes (if lighty punching my sister counts) have you ever ran 1 km through snow... barefooted (i could do only 200 meters)
  • Have u...

    no... i fell into the water while driving in a car on a frozen lake. It was kinda... refreshing And don`t worry... it was a scrap car Have you ever tried to speak Japanese?
  • Have u...

    ummm no... It would`ve taken at least 5 seconds for me have you ever been involved in a street brawl?
  • Have u...

    Tell me who doesn`t have... And i don`t believe you haven`t... Have you ever singed & someone actually liked it?
  • Have u...

    No, i DID break someone`s car. (Smashed it into a tree) Have you ever... umm... had a big needle stuck in your knee?
  • Have u...

    hmmm let`s see... loads of Strawberries - yes, Carrots - Yes, Potatoes - Yes, Blackberries - Yes, a tree - no Have you ever built a spaceship? No matter what material (I made one out of wood panels ^^)
  • Have u...

    well... not quite during class, but in the breaks Have you ever drunk 15 big cups of coffee... and fallen asleep?
  • Have u...

    no, i did ride a bike with a broken leg... have you ever listened/liked to gossip?
  • Have u...

    (Quote) Don`t worry, i believe you. [SIZE=1]Memo to me: NEVER tell anything, that`s even remotely, secret to Lucy[/SIZE] yep, jumped out of a swing... managed to fly 10 meters high & 7 meters far (broke my leg on landing) Have you ever jumped into a pool from the 5 meter tower... and landed on your back/stomach?
  • Have u...

    I did land on my feet... (made a frontflip) and went down to the bottom of the pool (which was 6 meters deep) that was quite a bit of pressure on the ears have you ever broke off your tooth?
  • Have u...

    no... it was kinda vice versa: my partner s... umm... too much info Have you ever won in a lottery?
  • Have u...

    maybe... have you even banged your head against a brick wall... ...intentionally
  • Have u...

    umm... yeah (won`t tell what it was - too embarassing) do you have had a wound that was closed with 48 stiches?