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  • This looks like a good topic for this post. I only play sp freelancer and I greatly enjoyed your 1.54 mod b/c I was able to adjust the difficulty settings. With the newer releases the AI setting is so high I get toasted on a frustratingly regular basis by even low level opponents (Junkers on the first escort mission to maine) With Lancer Reactors sweep of the dl vault I can no longer dl 1.54 to install ( I recently had to wipe my hd and reinstall everything). If anyone knew where I could get a c…
  • (Quote) Well, b/c I don't have alot of time and I am trying to stay away from gaming online after a 2 year stretch of playing Neverwinter Nights on various servers. I have a tendancy to get sucked into the game and spend way more time than I should ingame and with a wife and two kids thats not very healthy or productive. Offline I can pace myself and not get sucked into the game.... oh and gunny... if you guys can survive with the AI on this mod then I really must suck at freelancer lol.