Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Louva is scrambling to get the site up & running; several site errors when navigating from page to page, no mod content, only a fraction of the mod tools available here, and he's writing all the news ^^. Most of the post dates are from the last 2 or 3 days... None of the archives appear to be available yet, either.
  • (Quote)It is a fact that people tend to mirror the way they are treated; if there is acrimony in this community toward LR, it is largely due to the unrestrained arrogance displayed by Louva, and his inability to even consider others in the community as worthy of consideration if they disagree with him. Most of us here really don't give a fig one way or the other with regard to LR, because frankly, LR is not the only place to find downloads, as our own download database should indicate. 90% of t…
  • Igiss: Thank you for your objective reflection on these issues; it's a welcome change from some of the vitriol already posted! The competition between mods has always been intense, from what I have seen in my brief 2 1/2 years of Freelancing. Some admin's are not as modest as you appear to be, and naturally feel justified in praising the virtues of their work. Unfortunately, some apparently feel the need to belittle the work of others, or use obtuse measures of comparison to elevate their own m…
  • @ Louva: It's good to see a concise, considered summary of TLR's status from a staff member. An analysis like this posted prior to the IRC meeting would have helped considerably to put attendees in the proper frame of mind for a rational discussion, as opposed to what actually occurred. Hopefully you can see by now that we at SWAT are working at increasing the availability of FL resources, irrespective of what LR does. So contrary to Finalday's complaint: (Quote)this is exactly what is happenin…