Search Results

Search results 1-8 of 8.

  • Ok then, I said I was going to ask the people Am I a trouble-maker, yes or no?
  • Come on people! Doesn't anyone think I have some good in me?!? Where's Tyrael?!? He always has something to add about me xD
  • At this point I could make a comment about minding your own business But I shall not start a flame war
  • I'm just curious. Keep the opinions coming lol
  • I'm only asking what the general opinion is. I didn't come here to be a trouble maker..... I think most of the older players would remember me as Astatic. I even got recruited into PiA because, and I quote: "You are the only MW that stands your ground and fights, and you are a good sport about it."
  • Hmm.... the general populace appears to consider me to be a trouble maker..... and after all those newbies I used to help....
  • Actually, I was a lot worse when I was younger. My parents and the doctors thought I had ADHD and/or ASD. I was violent, and I would lash out and hit people, things, anything in range except for animals. Animals were the only thing that calmed me down. DrStraw: I haven't exactly retired, I still take part in the EVE Online section, as I am very active in that game @SUPER: I am ex-MW, ex-PiA, and ex-UAC.
  • (Quote)