Search Results

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  • Big Signatures

    I see I was hit by that rule. [3] [2] I think the rules should be the same for everyone here. I will list names of people with big signatures. I hope the Moderators or the Administrator do the correct thing and remove them too. First of all, OP-R8R. This person has a pretty big signature but no one says anything. [3] [2] Secondly Marshal Cunningham. He has a bigger signature then me. I will add more names here. We all hope for justice.
  • (Quote)You made a very valid point. Sorry OP did not see the left panel. I guess I should also go around complaining in every thread like Gunny, Tyrael and Blaster and some others. Sorry Lance. I really was pissed off. You will always be my friend and I will control my anger from next time.
  • NO

    (Quote)I cannot see an image. It is meaningless.
  • LOL

    (Quote)I thought Dragons liked a bit of animation. @Dopp. Do not bite the hand that feeds me Isn't that going too far @everyone. I am going to delete that chat box so everyone is happy unlike someone who wants to make people suffer.
  • Well....No

    (Quote)I am quiet happy with my current signature but I would be happy if someone could help me reduce the size of my IFC Logo without loss in quality.