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  • sweet Now i finaly know how to extract reg entrys with a batch command Surely a nice tool for people who dont like the Account Manager and/or play with 1 account only!
  • Its not possible to store multiple IDs in the registry at the same time so you would have to overwrite the current regfile entry with a different one whenever you want to switch accounts.Once you have created a new 2nd account (via creating a new windows user, loging in with it and starting the game) you can extract it with your batch file and just doubleclick the resulting reg file for whatever account you want to use^^. Only make sure you copy and save your first account when attempting to ex…
  • nothing wrong with the batch there m8^^. SYMPTOMSWhen you start a batch file or use a command prompt, you may receive the following error message: Out of environment space CAUSEThe default space for environment variables is 256 bytes by default. More environment variables are being set than can fit in 256 bytes. RESOLUTION1. Right-click the MS-DOS Prompt shortcut, and then click Properties. 2. Click the Memory tab. 3. In the Initial Environment box, set the initial environment size you want (fr…
  • still after the next windows reinstall you would have to put in the code manualy taken from the mpaccountid.hta. With Hours regfile it only needs a simple doubleclick^^.