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Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • (Quote) Im hopping in here to ensure DrDoom and mine actions dont get illegalized now Here is the story: We are both in different clans. DrDoom is coming to my place almost everyday to play Crossfire on my 2nd PC. Now when I want to mule something and he is not there Im activating mine (private unshared) mule account on the 2nd pc and do whatever transfer i need.Gunny Im sure you were talking about sharing the account rather than the PC/IP. Would be pretty weird if 2 friends cant use the same c…
  • ok cool Check my edit in the post (added some stuff and didnt see u replied alrdy^^).Once again sorry Privy for intruding your thread. Even tho it wasnt too much off topic.
  • restrictions are usually needed when too many people go way out of the line in the status quo. I dont really see that happening here. Why should we restrict the fun of the majority of the player when there is no real need for it? Just because 'it sounds like a good idea' and some people might want to try it doesnt mean that this is in the interest of an healthy community. If this rule is about to be enforced there will only be arena chars left and the players of them will leave as soon as all t…
  • (Quote) As I said a few posts before. People will delete all their chars BUT the arena chars. Including you, I bet^^. (and stop playing when the $ is wasted in ammo)
  • (Quote) With what kind of people are you surrounding yourself making you call the entire community names? No offense inteded but I am not sure anymore if you are acting in the community's interest or your own.Jeez if someone would come up with "op can you help me i got banned and dunno why" it would be more worth a laugh than anything to be offended by^^. Killing serverpolice is against the rules as far as I know. SPs actually do react when being fired upon some people say^^. The only thing chi…
  • true Simba. The missiles tracking added a whole new level of skill requirement to the game. Its very hard to master, still, a perfect gunner and a perfect missiler are even enemys (see simba and doom). I wonder what everybody complains about fighting against spammer^^. If the enemy spams for real he should be out of ammo pretty soon as long as one stays evasive. If one fails to manage to stay evasive in order to wait for the perfect point to attack its surely not the spammers fault. Thee who sp…