Search Results

Search results 1-8 of 8.

  • (Quote) Privvy was talking about people who have 2 or more accs online at the same time.
  • If we want the online numbers to drop further we should try of course .
  • (Quote) Ja ja. Especially when you are active on the forum only .
  • (Quote) Good idea mate. I like chess too and I used to be not-so-bad chess player few years ago so I guess I can try ^^.
  • (Quote) 1. Literaly. 2. Even I can demonstrate you that it's more than possible I don't like being involved in defensive fights but I can fight this way. I remember some PvP with some famous CF missilers lasting even more than 15 minutes which is outrageous. 3. Unreal, realistic?!? Launch combat drones, scramble fighters. Load missile tubes one through 20 with defensive missiles and 21 through 140 with offensive. Point defence lasers on standby. Fire!
  • OK let me see - some spam and die a lot, some "spam" and die less frequently some know how to throw the ammo and manage to maintain high winning %. Interesting... maybe there is some skill involved? On the other hand some cannot survive against missiles but your clan's best pilot - GalacticFire manage to evade 80% of the ammo throwed against him by a skilful missile fighter and almost 100% thrown by spammer. Even more strange? I would say there is some skill involved here maybe? Oh yes there is…
  • Well Gilliam, just learn how to evade missiles. It's not that hard. Of course not everyone is good in it but only those who never tried never learned. With the last 2 ideas introduced here at least 7 players said in various conversations that they will just stop playing FL, stop doing PvP (ergo RP), etc. But go ahead - 1 char per player, 1 launcher per ship and of course 2 missiles for it will be great. We can always shoot NPCs and play chess with Az . And Lance 10 pcs of cargo? Well see the pr…
  • I don't agree Tyrael - it's gone up cause one need to be hell of a pilot to manage to evade the ammo, throw the ammo and survive. The fact that you can point in one direction and use some primitive evading does not make you good pilot.