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  • (Quote) Agreed with Lance. It would be very diffcult to trade with a fighter ship and it would be difficult to fight with a trader ship. We need more than one ship.....
  • yes Privvy. But what about when my m8s want to trade, do they have to sell their fighter? or if I want to fight I would have to sell my trader? Sorry m8 but that makes no sense to me.
  • The point I am making is that I wouldnt want to be a "trader" only or a "fighter" only that would be very boring. Who would want to fly the same type of ship all of the time and do the same thing all of the time? How many people would stay under those conditions? We would maybe have the most boring server ever created if those were the rules.
  • (Quote) No disrespect intended OP. But all one char means is that it takes longer to get from one place to another. I dont see how spending 15 minutes to fly from one end of the universe to the other every time they want to join in a combat or a trading run is supposed to add to the fun. That will only slow down the action. Sometimes I only have 1 hour to play and Im sure it is the same for others. How much fun is it that I would spend half of my time getting to my destination, then most likely…
  • (Quote) OP we fly all over the place. Example: Yesterday Gunny and I chased each other all over Sirius. After that I went to Altair and an SMG in a train went with me. I am almost always exposed to risk. When I trade I try to smuggle so the Police and Pirates both have some RP. Most players are trying to push RP. The problem isnt the number of ships. The problem is RP attitudes. I am happy to say that attitudes are changing for the better. We are all making a concerted effort to push RP with go…
  • Well to make things fair for all, the issue of gun spam should be raised as well. It is unrealistic to have unlimited ammo for guns. I think guns should have limited ammo. Those terrible gun spammers need to be taken care of also. I just cant stand when people spam the guns and I cant win in pvp because of it. I shouldnt have to learn how to dodge gunfire thats unfair. And mines and cds should block gunfire also. I think in pvp, people should take turns firing their guns. On the first pass one …
  • (Quote) I hope so. Please keep in mind that sometimes we are fighting more than one opponent. -edited-