Search Results

Search results 1-12 of 12.

  • (Quote) If G only wants to have one char - I vote we let him.
  • Er - its not what you have - but what you do with it that counts. But there should be no harm trialling using one ship for a week or something to see what people think and even if people can change their minds. Also - I think there are many ways around this and then we will prob see a few posts saying whats his face used more than one ship complaints.
  • Well there is nothing stopping those people who think its a good idea to put their views into practise and show the nay sayers how it was done in the old days when you only had one ship. I think OP could easily try and enforce it by restricting the chars to one per account, but yeah tehre are ways around it too. I can't say if its good or bad - I would try it and see what I think. Having only one ship would require more planning, more cooperation, maybe a degree of specialisation within a clan,…
  • (Quote) If I am forced to fly just one ship I will take either : a - Ragnorakb - Ragnorakc - Ragnorak
  • anyway back on topic Defintion of a cheat? Anyone that beats me in pvp. Damn server full of cheats if you ask me
  • (Quote) Totally off topic - is there a Crossfire/SWAT Chess society? I had a passion for chess in my formative years and could do with some chess pvp to get my brain engaged again.
  • (Quote) Nice - I will take a look and see if there are any internet chess programs - I will take on anyone and dont mind a good spanking. At home I have 3 chess sets - one cost more than five hundred pounds - my kids want to learn too. Which is a bit much to take as one of the reasons I stopped playing was to take care of them!! But now they are old enough to leave outside in the cold - I will re capture my youth damn it!! Re this thread - one way to influence people is to lead by example and g…
  • Chess pvp Well I took a look and there seems to be loads of chess programs that allow play online - I even tried one and beat this guy from Greece - but he made a few mistakes as the game only gives 15mins to complete the game!! So - some opps here for a Crossfire Chess Club - or CCC if you prefer, Triple C Club, C cubed? blah blah Maybe we can get some games going and tabulate the games in leage format - maybe even publish the games for others to look at and ponder and advise. I will keep loki…
  • (Quote) No. I am morphing this thread into a chess thread so get your chess stories and fantasies in. OP has already said it wont happen - it's too big a risk to take. Most of us here have many chars - I have 10 LP chars available to me =- but for those that remember having only one char - There was certainly something.....raw in only having one It certainly gives you a different experience of the server. Anyway as that dicsussion is closed by OP - can we continue with the Crossfire Chess Club …
  • I thought this thread was about Chess - NOT about missiles.
  • You guys are spamming my chess thread - take it to the leader board where it suppose to be So Simba and I can take about Chess and start a Tetris Tournament Dont make me come back online and start something.
  • Ahoy shipmates!!! There is a balance between roleplay and pvp to be struck and it aint easy. Maybe as Arbitar of these things - OP in his infinite wisdom can re assess the current situation and ponder if changes are required. We have all either switched around to chase someone - or experienced it ourselves - I think it is a bit cheap and smacks a bit of unfairness - maybe even goes against the spirit of the game. I have done both of them and I can say clearly working hard for a kill - tracking,…