Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 24.

  • Day 1 I am "No Mahd" Long 637 MB download - but then its easy to get running. Intro is interesting about the history and then its off to start your char - choice of 4 races and then many sub sections depending on your career/skill choices and factions. I am following the in game tutorial which is pretty good but basic = the game seems very complicated at the begin. Met some secret agents for doing important jobs that will earn me cash and beign my ascension up the corporate ladder - most of the…
  • Days 2-3 AN extensive tutorial is available to take you through many of the games options and opportunities. Typically for me - I followed my own route for a bit and spent hours mining to purchase a better ship - only to find out later I would have received a good ship following the tuturial in 5 minutes, Damn!! Blueprints - how I hate them!! These are design sheet for constructing equipment - or gulp - even a ship - providing you have the raw materials and know how - you can manufacture it. Th…
  • Days 4 and 5 Pirates!"!" Damn them all to hell and back!! These days saw my first experience of death and flying in that choccy egg well known to Eve lovers. In Eve - when you die - you lose your ship, your cargo and your equip. My fault I suppose for taking on about 20 pirates myself in my newbie ship with no fighting skills - damn mining laser won't work against ships!! Each time I died I had to fly across a few systems in my egg to a system selling the ships and equipment I wanted - an insur…
  • Days 6 and 7 Upgraded my ship to a Gallante Destroyer called a Catalyst. It has 8 turret slots - so I think I can use it both for mining and exploring - before I do that though I will spend some time mining - just in case I die and lose everything. Spent some time on the Eve forums as well - and came across a thread where the term "Market pvp" came up - basically a player was complaining someone else was buying up all of a certain mineral and was doubling the price each week - Apparently the ot…
  • Days up to registration Corporations Each new player is automatically assigned to a NPC corporation - the corp. you get is dictated by the role play and race choices you make during character creation. When playing, you are automatically added to the group chat of your corp. - and this group can often consist of 500 people, sometimes even a thousand. Your fellow members are very helpful and give advice - you can also hear conversations about sex, religeon and even about chocolate biscuits, and …
  • Eve Online update How to judge whether you would like Eve? Well - consider the following explanation in a guide about Electronic Warfare "Hit Chance = 0.5^[(Tranv/(range*tracking))*(gun sig/ship sig))^2 + ((max(0,Range-Optimal))/Falloff)^2]" If you think wtf? I am no maths professor at Harvard - I just want to aim and fire - then maybe you will find Eve a bit slow If you think hmmm, interesting - is there a way I can exploit this to my advantage - then maybe take a look at Eve. Basically there …
  • I think its about 15 Euros a month - I just paid my first installment so I can tell you if its worth it - or not - in a few weeks. Last night I had finally earned enough trust with my mission agent and that corp to be offered Level 2 Missions (yep more rewards, more cash, more loot, more salvage and more danger) so look to a report on that soon.
  • (Quote) Well in real life - maybe some of us are REAL pilots that fly in Saracens and uphold truth, justice and peace. Well speaking to some people - it sure feels like that Maybe to relax, they want to get out of their cockpit, put a hat on and do some peaceful mining. Anyway OP - Xmas party in your garden you say?
  • (Quote) Yep its true - I think about 350mill ISK can purchase game cards that give you 2-4 weeks free play. Maybe Ryzune can advise further on this as I am still new and learning the ropes. See this thread…p?a=topic&threadID=603874 I hope you can read/access it.
  • (Quote) Last time a bunch of people started digging in someones garden - a whole bunch of things turned up. Since you have been around so long - maybe you want to reconsider this invitation - or do have have some things to confess before we start?
  • (Quote) Or send them to Planet Blood c/o Custodian armed forces for final burial? What ever happened to all those old BG vets anyway? PS this is a EVE thread - lets talk of your summer BBQ OFF TOPIC
  • The writer was sort of proposing it could be done within your first few momths = but when some experienced players looked at the time involved to do it - they raised some doubts. On LVL 1 missions - I can easily make 5 mill day, 5x30 = 150mill, I think even 10mill per day is possbile if you wreck and sell loot. Now what happens if you move to level 2 missions? I think if someone started new and focussed on this tactic - maybe 2-3 months they could be financing their gameplay via selling ISK?
  • (Quote) Speaking as a newbie in Eve - I reckon it would take many months to get something like this going - but yes - I think it can be done. However, I will also post (heavily-edited) some rules for new players: 1. Dont trust anyone.2. AFK does not exist in space.3. You are not even safe in the safest areas of the game.4. Don't trust anyone.5. There are no rules. I think that's a decent summary
  • Another update - what has been going on in my Eve universe? Well firstly I have joined another Corp (clan jumper am I) which looks to be more professional, and even more important, sociable. Unfortunately the biggest known trouble maker in all time and space, Ryzune, is in that Corp so there is potential for his usual story. 1. Big fallout with another member of the Corp2. He blames everyone else but himself3. He leaves after setting fire to the Corp HQ Its also possible that Captn Ryzune may e…
  • Trading The TOP SECRET trade in Eve No ones knows anything - or says anything It's all cloak and dagger. You can find general tips - but nothing specfic Why the mystery? Whay are people keeping everything close to their chest? Hmmmmm - Very very interesting Well I gave it a go last night. Although Rizune correctly stated I got a bit aroused the other night penetrating some large asteroids - I am a man of many talents - and my corp knows I am a LOVER - not a MINER. Ryzone has already changed his…
  • I got to say I am very impressed indeed - why didnt I think of that? See me in 0.4 space next few days I did some trading/ hauling last few weeks and was able to make 5 mill/ hour in that - sometimes - usually about 3 mill per hour I would say Currently I am running through missions and have access to a lvl 3 agent with an effective quality of 29 - which will give 1mill prize per miss - not including loot or salvage. Good luck Laser - it seems u have the right type of thinking for this game - I…
  • Well I hope so = I am - No Mahdss Good luck Laser and Flash
  • The Eve universe has welcomed Laser and Flash!! I have sort of hooked up with them in space and made my introductions, Old friends Minnie Mouse has created a German speaking channel for old mates and I think both Laser and Flash have been made welcome there. Some Crossfire denizens may recognise Wie Jetz - who I also saw in the German channel My update? PVP Despite what Evonians say - I dont think Eve is really a pvp game - why? Cos it is so expensive. Imagine taking on those dastardly cops fro…
  • Glad to hear u made it out alive Flash My corp is organising a Frig only pvp event over the next few weeks - it should be fun and very educational - some basic rules about the equipment allowed I think - but nothing excessive - ie we wont allow the very very very most experienced players use the very very very best equipment - look forward to a report on this soon. re other things going on - I would refer you to this web page on the Eve Forums…p?a=topic&threadID=5…
  • Another update Well I bought my first Game Time Code (190mill) - so effectively I am playing this month for free - not bad as I started playing properly in November - my main task now is to make enough in game cash to purchase another GTC for the following month. I went on another level 4 mission that effectively cost me 15mil in repairs which major p me off - I will be sticking to level 3 missions now - apparently a few experienced people do this anyway as its quicker to comeplete missions and…