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  • Resignation

    This is Sad news today BG have lost a mighty leader and one that will never be forgot..... We will do our best to keep up your good work:( sBG
  • Resignation

    You think:(
  • Resignation

    I couldnt agree more Simba..... we need to all support OP in whatever he decides.....i uphold the upmost respect for OP and his work......Yes i am sad he has resigned but if OP does feel like there is no othere choice then we should all respect that..... I know from my point of veiw that if OP decided he did ever want to return to his clan then i would welcome it with open arms.....but for now OP has made his decision.....Lets just give him a break and room to think and stop trying to persuade h…
  • Resignation

    @ Magnet OP wouldnt need to ban and i agree with Tyreal OP has made his decision its not for us to tell him otherwise.....This is not somthing BG as a clan wanted to happen but it has and WE ALL have to accept it.