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  • Point is, CF *is* the best mod, I've played on almost every server. It doesn't matter how many players the other servers have, we just need to get people on CF...... More people will bring better RP, with more people on either side to liven things up. So..... if you play other games, try inviting your friends to try Crossfire out :] I brought my girlfriend with me, so I helped
  • I agree..... Crossfire is a game, it can't take priority over real life. Also, I play other games too, I don't spend *all* my spare time on Crossfire.
  • @OP It doesn't necessarily have to be RL *problems*, it just life in general.... we have better things to do than spend every spare moment on Crossfire. It's good, but I don't want to spend all my spare time here, I've got other things I enjoy doing too. I put maybe 3-4 hours in per day, and I think thats a fair amount of time.
  • ...... Don't you think you're being a bit unreasonable?
  • Well.... think about it.... Crossfire is fun, and its where I go to relax and have some fun, but I also spend time with my little brother, and with my friends, and I have work and other commitments. If people enjoy playing, then they will play in their spare time. So, that said, it means that either people *aren't* enjoying playing, OR, they *can't* get online. So..... we need to find a way to make it more enjoyable, and accept that people can't devote their lives to a game.
  • Well, I speak for myself only, but I'm not willing to devote more time just to save Crossfire. It's fun, but if it goes down, it goes down. I play other games, and Crossfire rates pretty low on my list of importance. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's the truth. I view it as just a game.
  • ......
  • I just don't see why OP thinks any spare time we have should be spent on CF..... I think he should mind his own business.......
  • Whats 23:00 GMT in England? Daylight Savings screws stuff up. I'm out that night, but I'll be back about 21:30 England time. My point is that I don't see why we should be told what to do when playing a game.... I can understand that the server needs a more positive attitude, but I don't think a post called "GET YO ASS ON THE SERVER!!!" is the way to go about that.....
  • OP is right..... I honestly don't care about CF itself.... I have just as much fun playing on other servers. I care about the community, but I couldn't really care less if the community was here, on NQ, the VOID, EVE Online, Anarchy Online, or whatever.
  • If you read the post, you would notice I said I care about the community. I *don't* care about what game the community plays, as long as the community is there. The part I don't like is that this is the *only* server that has this "WORK WORK WORK" idea.... why is it exactly that CF is dying when the others aren't? I want to know.
  • Look, I do my bit in game, I chase smugglers around, I help newbies, I don't hold grudges. But I think the server is too uptight, we need to relax a bit. There are too many ideas going around about how to revive the server. Just kick back and have fun. If the server is fun, players will come.
  • So I'm KOS? Brings back memories :] OK, so someone come up with some ideas to make it more interesting, and I'll support it. I'm online a lot, so I can be around to have an effect on it.
  • Feel free, when I return I'll remove my tags and everyone can fire at will
  • I'll take an opinion from the two other active members of UAC before I decide that. They might want rid of me given some recent RL events that I know one member disapproves of.
  • Saxon knows what I mean. It's not that I'm not willing to work for the community, I'm just not willing to put in loads of time for CF. It's not a CF community, it's a SWAT community. I don't care about one particular game, but the community that plays the games.
  • Can I ask again what time that is in England? It always seems to be an hour or two out. Is that 22:00 in England?
  • Not always, because when we have events, England is always an hour out. Daylight Savings screws it up I think.
  • -Confused-