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  • OP mate.....I understand what is going on here. You are making the right choice by taking control of it, and I give you ^5 for it At the end of the day, only those who walk away can say they played the game and came back another day. And I for one am glad you grabbed it by the horns. Looks good, is good, and will continue to be the foundation I for one will support right behind you. OUTSTANDING !!!!
  • Ok I apologize if that was too vague..... OP, the Portal looks sweet. It will become what LR should have, unfortunately, it now looks like SWAT, Crossfire, and the forum are the sole Freelancer community and hopefully the remnants left out there will come here. I believe they will. And you deserve the kudos for the best, most organized and serious community for all FL, LR, and CF members. I hope we can help in some small way.