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  • A final warning

    CFPD will maintain its posture on the server.
  • A final warning

    Well now that everyone else had their chance: I will personally speak for the actions taken against me. 39 Merc hits in 3 weeks and you wonder why I get a little upset? Then I see a member of BG getting the same treatment and you wonder why I bring CFPD to the battle lines? Do the math. I see a friend who I helped substantially with tons of my time , get his new clan going ( (IOC) ) two years ago and you wonder why I act the way I do? I see my clan treated like garbage because of what I do as S…
  • A final warning

    My point of view: Cops kills pirates and criminals.Pirates kill cops and innocent bystandersmilitary kills pirates or whoever is breaking the federal law.Mercs try to do all of the above, but lean towards the criminal side of operations. Its quite simple and I dont expect anyone to warn me for anything....just be ready for me to come and find you when you do attack me.
  • A final warning

    That's enough from the both of you!!
  • A final warning

    As for any clan invading any clan system, is and can be a declaration of war by all of our clan system rules. AND....Op did post in this Forum and in game, that ANY clan invading Custodian will be an act of war. DD clan members replied in that thread, so they saw it. So in my opinion, it was blatant in order to start just that.....a war. Now if they were hired to steal the whisky by {LP}, its not hard to make that announcement so people are clear that you were hired. Communication can thwart co…
  • A final warning

    Off the wall here, Alucard, but do you really think training in Discovery Mod is going to help you here?
  • A final warning

    (Quote) To a point it is, but each mod is different and so is the weapons usage, ship mobility etc.