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  • RP improvements

    Just 2 things OP: 1rst: The merc system is working perfectly. 2nd: I dont agree with the "block F1 in space thing" for several reasons. Mines are these:If i want to make auto transfer of things like weapons or stuff like that even cargo, i wont be able as i have to stay docked to be able to switch to the other character...and also if I want to suicide not to make all the way back It wont be possible. Also if im travelling to altair and i have to quit in the middle of the would i?Also …
  • RP improvements

    Kerm i feel a " quit F1 at all coast" in your words m8 and i respectfully dont agree with it. You all know that most of the time we are playing and something comes up, like a m8 that need help somewhere else in space or RL issues that makes you suddenly stop the game to take care of them, well if you quit the "non docked" F1 you will quit all that also...and im sorry but im not going to stop my RL issues to go somewhere to dock...i dont think is normal. Other solutions could be improved, i thin…
  • RP improvements

    Ok there nothing to add then...go on.
  • RP improvements

    Umm there are some other stuff like ppl getting stuck in stations and jump gate blocked...but i guess Its allready taked care...