Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • (Quote) I agree. I've got 15 chars atm. I've made 44 since I arrived on CF and billions of credits have been made and lost between char-wipes. Presently Dopple has nearly 5 billions credits on a similarly large host of chars. All the wealth helps define our RP and support our activies. It takes many, many, many hours to work up to that state and while maybe it's good to even the playing field, there's no logic between a corporate clan CEO whose been around more than a year and newcommer FL havi…
  • Hehehe, several of the models look quite amazing. I just hope they'll be used in ways that fit the mod's already incredible feel... If I had to be critical of anything though I'd say that a couple of the skins look like they need could use a bit of sprucing up, but as as a whole the work is nothing less than amazing. Better yet I know that you're hiding the best features for the release, so this kind of quality can be expected in other aspects of the work as well. Very awesome. Hehehe, I'll hav…
  • Any hints m8 on what the alien factions will be like?
  • Yes, I suppose they would be.
  • You guys have a sick and twisted view of what's fun. I'm so disgusted that I'm going to raid Gunny's doughnut stash and then vomit on each of your Shroud's leather seats. [12]
  • ............................................... *sets box back on table and flies as far off the map as the mod will allow* Er, a donought commodity would be pretty cool for somewhere in Tarsus btw. [SIZE=1]Edit: Oh $^^%, forgot that I wasn't going to ask for anything... especially when that something isn't important to me, lol.[/SIZE]
  • I like beam weapons, but what I've seen in other mods is that the beam effect is achieved by having a rediculously-high refire rate (typically 30+). While the effect can be awesome, the sound can get really annoying and worse yet it causes lag just as bad as missile or mine spamming does. I could be wrong, but that's been my observation time and again. On capships with more than a dozen of these weapons it can become very difficult to hit anything.