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  • This is my first post on the forums...I've been reading around some, and so far I'm impressed with CF..but I have one issue with it. Why is it so hard? I'm using a Falcon that I picked up in Rhineland, and I can't even get to the new systems; the only one I've been able to enter is Quantos. Freeport 7 blasts me away as soon as I fly into it. I'm probably doing something wrong as I'm new to the whole mod, but how am I supposed to stand a chance in a world where 6 Dom'Kvash fly up and take me out…
  • I see what you mean, but aren't the Dom'Kvash hostile towards everyone, with no chance of becoming friendly? because that's the only npc faction that's giving me trouble...well them and the nomads. I can run away from Corsairs, Red Hessians, and those kinda guys with no problem at all. I'll try the freighter thing out when I get a chance though, I need some guys to protect me, and hopefully I can recruit a few of my friends to take on that responsibility. I wasn't really expecting the new syste…
  • Well...I think I found out why there's a ton of dom'kvash floating around new tokyo....guess I need to read the event page more Also, Mu La Flaga, there aren't any new ships in the vanilla systems..are there? All I see are the typical Valkries, Falcons, and Humpback Freighters, all of which I have the money for. I guess I'll just have to build up finances by transferring VIP's to luxury liners or something, so I can buy a ship that's worth flying in.
  • Yeah, I also figured out how to make quick cash.... escape pods, prisoners, and VIPs. But the escape pods are way too hard to get because I think I have some lag issues on the server (My ping is about 150 ) Don, you're from the US, do you have problems with jittery ships? I'm not talking skilled ai, but ships that 'teleport' back and forth, and make really odd and erratic movements. Also, does this mod have some sort of shield regeneration for npcs? I can't kill anyone as fast as I used to be a…
  • So...uhh...I think I went way too far exploring, I thought I'd check out Bretonia and I ran into the Sol system (I won't say where, you guys know ) I'm all like... D:
  • I believe I saw you on the server earlier this morning (around 2-3 am) Centaurian. Well, Ideal_Food_Superpower helped me out in getting up to X 3043, so I now have a Sabre with 3 nomad blasters and a nomad cannon. from GalacticFire. killing people got moderately easy...pretty fast :p I think I've got the hang of the game now, thanks everyone for helping out Now, I'm trying to get my friend to log on, but the problem is he's in New Berlin; and those of you who checked the news network know what'…