Posts by OldPenTom


    I would like to ask for help. Approx. 1 hour ago banned from the game server. I would like to know the cause of it, and also the possibility of reverting. Thank you everyone for your help in this matter.

    Dear Admin! I am writing on behalf of a friend, but rather because I break the mainly English (Google Translate) is used, I asked you to describe the problem, I will ask of you under my own name!

    If i log in with any of my characters (007, Sweetwater) the server kicks me and i have this message: "The connection to the server was lost. Either the server you were connected to crashed, or your Internet connection to the server was lost. This is usually an intermittent problem..." and the server gives me this: "You will be kicked. ContactAdmin"

    Good work! Good to see that the test is performed after the work is done! I have been playing with it, and I want to play multiplayer with it as well. I hope this can become a reality as soon as possible!
    I really like the enlarged planets, ships and planets in the elaboration of the lighting systems. Good luck to the mod.