Posts by grhluna

    so i downloaded it
    it looks amazing with my graphic card tuned a bit
    like a different game.. these updated graphics
    a minor point i think however part of the backgrounds used like u see a star and its only
    a drawing on the background.. far in the distance
    however when u see the bright suns and everything it looks amazing really
    if the freelancer engine wasnt so limited we could walk around planets and all that!
    or around your ship! i am confident this is the most advanced freelancer mod out there today!!!!!
    really a great job a good game for space fans!!!!obviously people have been pushing the limits here with the freelancer engine[woot] [woot]

    wadda hell man u got strong glasses or something!!!!! i got 1680x1050 and thats plenty for me
    [665] [665] [665] [665] [665] [665] [665] [665] [665] [665] [665]

    just in time!!
    i couldnt wait anymore so i reinstalled x3tc with some mods and just finished building this gigantic empire lol i got miners all over the universe mining for me and a HQ and a huge self producing energy complex :D
    i got an entire hidden sector for myself with major defence systems and all my ships got powerfull escorts!
    i got tons of traders coming in cause of my low prices and a gigantic battleship protecting my sector full with fighters in hangar!
    i got like a private speeder, a luxe ship and a massive cargoship docked for myself lol
    i just finished building my trading empire and now i can download this new mod soon awesome and thanks for the good work :D

    haegar where are you
    i have been waiting for the mod and because of this
    my dog has catched fire, two of my children have starved from lack of nutritions,i lost my job,
    my landlord is kicking me out because i forgot to pay the rent,my beard is 2 meters long and i didnt wash for a very long time,the computer room is filled with pizza boxes and dust,my woman left me,
    i visited the very last website of the internet, and my soul got enlightened
    !!!;( ;( [12] [14] [14] [666] [666]

    [671] [671]

    tx for the reply
    its already new year here in europe :))
    cant wait!!
    guess i will have to start over from scratch he he oh well :D
    there goes all my money i dont use save editing because of immersion
    and now i am going to vote for mod of the year!!!!
    crossfire yeeee-eh! +1vote

    hey! didnt see a download yet! sure not the only one who cant wait :D
    the mp popularity yea.. still popularity isnt a good measurement for quality rather for quantity!
    i cant wait to grab this and fire it up!
    superrrrrrr creative work!!

    hey all
    i love what u have done with freelancer
    altho im a single player kinda guy, once in a while
    when i have time, freelancer is now how it should have been!
    i cant wait for this new version of the mod.. will be great im sure
    i have two questions if you are willing of course
    1. can i keep my open-sp 1.7 savegame in the 1.8 opensp?
    2. how long until release? we are soon 01/01 :D
    have fun everyone! peter