Posts by matuvonnegut

    i'll try running it in compatability mode i suppose

    I recently reinstalled this game, and occasionally come across crashes during game play. most of them i have been able to work around. i had one that involved targeting capital ship sub components and firing missiles...if i just used guns it was fine.

    on mission 13 however, it seems to be an issue with the scripted audio files, each time i play it it crashes at a different part of the mission, if i destroy the ion cannon too quickly, i've gotten as far as destroying viper...before he was able to say "you're pretty good" or whatever (crash). even allowing all the scripted cues to lay before i proceed through the missions, it crashes during dialogue.

    any ideas? there used to be a utility that allowed you to edit a saved game, number of kills, access level, mission etc. i'm tired of trying to play this mission over and over and would like to just skip to the next.

    running compatability mode for win98, causes an error on launch, win 2000 gives the same crash during gameplay