Posts by majkp

    One more thing. I noticed you didn't like players mentioning the Crossfire mod in any way on Discovery forums and also promoting Discovery on other sites. It's not really in our power to "search and destroy" every misbehaving player, but that doesn't mean we can't do anything about it as well.

    I made an admin announcement, asking the members to:
    - quit promoting Discovery on other mods/servers
    - quit requesting features from other mods to be added into the Discovery mod
    - quit badmouthing other mods/servers

    I was not specific about your mod.

    It will stay pinned for some time and will be bumped in the future if problems arise again.


    some time has passed and the adrenaline levels have been decreased I beleive at least a little bit. For me it's quite shocking that someone uses such manners in the name of Discovery Gaming Community. If I knew who it was I would ban him from both the community and the game server instantly and permanently. It's absolutely incredible, and I fully understand your concerns.

    May I ask you for the IP address of the DiscoveryRulez member? He posted once on these forums so you should have it in your logs. You mentioned the "" address in the other thread. I searched Discovery forum registration e-mails for both "" and "" but no match. I googled it, nothing. I tried e-mailing at that address, this result (same for the one with ##):

    This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification


    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (state 14).

    It still doesn't mean anything, the mail could have been just faked or the mailbox was deleted.

    I have physical access to the game server and also all the routers in front of that server. Because I operate the network the server is hosted in, I also have access to all IP headers logs for the past few years. I also have access to both forum and if I had the IP address (or at least the range) I could easily try to find a match among milions of lines of various log files. It very likely that this person did a mistake somewhere in the process. I really doubt that this person used a fresh-bought mobile phone for hacking your site, posting on your forums and then threw the mobile phone into the river. But then again, one could beleive almost anything these days...

    It really saddens me that something like that is connected to Discovery Gaming Community and I'll do all I can to investigate this matter. Help me prove our innocence or at least help me punnish that sick person if he really is a member of Discovery. My effort could also result in an attempt to hack our game server or forums by this person, but hell, I am willing to take these risks.

    Thanks for your help,

    Michal Petrzelka
    operator of the official Discovery RP server


    Originally posted by Gunny
    I'm willing to bet he is a member of Discovery, maybe even with rank.


    Originally posted by Jack Bauer
    If that's the case then discovery must really be afraid of losing people when 1.8 hits the net.

    I searched through both the active and banned members on the Discovery forums and haven't found any name similar to this guy. If anyone happens to get his IP address somehow, please, send it my way.


    Originally posted by Nightstalker61
    Bubb9 has been a thorn in the FL's side for a while (he's not from Disco). He is an arrogant little kid who thinks he knows everything (His brain is probably froze since he lives in Alaska). He has pulled this stuff on my server in the past (Which I banned him for) and probably others as well.

    We do have a registered member named Thorn on Discovery forums, but he's never made any post so I guess he's inactive.