Posts by SlaveDaemon

    You posted in correct portal section .. btw, did you tried 3dmark for some basic info about graphic power? And dunno if to compare PC (laptop) with xbox or ps4 if you use it for more as only gaming.

    I haven't really did the 3dmark thing/test cause it never made sense to test something this powerful so for short - i'm confident with what kinda power comes with it - and yeah i guess comparing a general for all device (laptop) is like comparing linux to a console or something along those lines and i don't know if it's a bug but i could browse internet explorer on the now sold last gen slim 360 i had Without premium membership :tongue:xmas

    I think that' common with every gaming laptop and, personally, that's the reason why I could never get into the whole thing.
    I can justify having multiple monitors even if I dont do much programming because, other than the cost, they are rather fun to have. On the other hand, laptops are supposed to be something easy to carry and comfortable on the lap, things that don't rhyme with gaming laptops. Plus if you'r gonna end up putting it on a desk and plugging it in each time you try to play a game, you might as well get a decent desktop instead.
    Not my thing, personally.

    that's why i either had a choice to repair an old laptop my dad gave me for when i did finish high school or Buy a new one which i decided without thinking to buy a new one ..

    and one thing to keep in mind is i never went to high school - i dropped out and started my self on my own path to learn GNU/Linux and what not - and now? currently waiting on openSUSE leap 42.x(?? i think they are un decided on the name)

    ..and i do feel regret for buying it but like at the same time i Don't feel regret cause of how long it's lasted me - let's put that the old laptop he gave me is gone cause the person who i talked to about repairing it said that the CPU Was the only thing damaged - first i was told the cpu was damaged out of an error code in windows so that's when i figured out why it kept shutting down on idle and when in use and last the mb got static which sealed it's fate - but i don't let that get to me but if i could I would probably repair it and keep it and in return give him this one which would last him about as much longer has a broken repaired one :bscared:

    Hey just thought i'd post something of thoughts of sorts about my experience with an Asus G74SX (TL;DR at the bottom - Early 2011 model/somewhere in the middle of January )

    Ok so first of all(does this go here ? i think it does not sure ..if not let me or an admin know) it's huge and bulky And less battery life - and the specs on this thing are ancient like it's i7 is 1st gen ( i7-2760QM )although i don't know if it still IS 1st gen cause i sent it in for repairs at the end of last year because the touch pad/integrated mouse came defective since the beginning of 2011 and to be Really honest i don't no if i'm the only one that has had a successful Asus RMA (it was my 1st too) but they did a few internal things like bump up my graphics card total from 1.5 Vram/GB to 2.0 Vram/GB - GDDR 5 and i think it's the same card ? /not sure but i do know it's a GTX 560M(before i sent it and after i sent it) and i think other stuff as well but anyway - Ram is 8gb DDR3 Somewhere lost in 1600Mhz and 665Mhz (2x 4Gb) and res is 1600 x 900 60hz

    so basically it's good for what year it came out of since a few years/months later the xbox one and ps4 came out and changed Everything from graphics to engine - NFS rivals is an example of that i like to say - ( not really a bad thing since i do enjoy a green open cup of linux on supported hardware)

    Oh and for the curious - the successor of this laptop is the G75x/G750 ( x = number ) so the only thing i see they did for the latest model is change there style to a Deus Ex human revolution style which was announced at IFA this year (in color and from outside perspective)

    TL;DR bought a beauty(still is) of a gaming laptop from asus and a few months in - turned outdated due to xbox one and ps4 announcement / system of functions for past future games forcefully changed

    note - feel free to yell at me for misspelling's if you find any since i has have yet to go to an eye doc :verwirrt:

    Ok I found my solution simply it was to create another programs folder named "Program Files (x86)" and put the rest in Manually - the Microsoft games and freelancer directory in the installer - so all in all it was a simple fix although a new problem was brought up and that is mouse control if I could some how control the mouse instead of the touch screen or make the device think the touch is from a mouse id be golden currently I'm searching the internets