Posts by Finalday

    @Blur Swat's link is back on lancers forum page.

    As to working side by side, thats more of a statement, of co-existing, not nessisarily working literally together. But both sides need to let the past go, and move on. Literally, write off the wrongs, and start fresh. Other wise old wounds will only stir up more damage.

    Just a hope


    Your little display above is rather pethitic. You offer Razzes, jokes rather than constructive feedback. Small minds are only intrested in distracting from the truth. Its a shame too.

    Op did have issues on TLR, taking members to task in the forums, which was clearly against the rules. He also would not let a mater drop when no happy conclustion was going to accure.

    To many would rather heap scorn, instead of peace and working together. Even working in two differnt sites, side by side, has not been considered by SWAT. For the sake of Freelancer, much is wasted.

    My Nickels worth.

    You know, its a true shame you guys are so silly. You won't even give lancers a try. Your hatred of TLR is so aparent, that its crystal clear. Blaster, as much news that we posted for you, hosting mods for you and such, for you to turn on lancers.

    To all of you, how about giving TLR a break, and some time to get it all together and posted. We are looking to have all the old downloads back soon, as well as all the tuterals and posts. Things don't happen over night, no matter what Op tells you.

    So how about giving us the benifit of the doubt, and how judgement.

    If you can't, it would be taken that you are not big enough nor honorable enough, and generally just stuck up on yourselves. Its a shame too. There's lots of tallent here, but its wasted on hate and resentment.

    Just my 2cents worth. :(