Posts by Dusk

    Hello, seems i have some problems downloading the updates.I get the "Crossfire Update not found ... only Singleplayer available [E4]" message. For the start i have a clean Win Xp SP2 install (just installed it 3 days ago) and a fresh Fl intall(didn't installed Fl for more then 1 year, and i formated few times my HDDs).
    I read the guide, did all of that, knew the stepts from old times but and it worked before. So, it's installed corectly. Then i tryed to set up the firewall, added exception, added the UDP, nothing worked. I even unistalled the firewall.
    Any ideeas what i could do to fix this?
    PS: I hope i posted this to the right place, if not, plz excuse me, haven't been here for more then 1 year and things changed a litle.