Posts by strong99

    basic AI, we still need to implent animations for the AI but this is what we got now:

    The AI can follow players and walk random ways.
    The spawn points spawn a npc and calculates wich client is going to do the AI.

    the ai is client based and not server this is so we can have much better AI cuase its spread over more clients instead 1 server. So we got more CPU time for us ;)

    The first game i remember was a some sort self written one from my dad :P in 1994/5 some sort of snake ^^

    my first offical/real game i remember was Age Of Empires 1 :) man that was so cool ^^

    new progress video released!

    Greatest thing we added is NVIDIA (ageia) PhysX to the game. But there are also much more new features. Still no playable demo but we need still people for models and coding.


    Currently i'm working on a game called The Gateway and i'm searching for people who can assist me in building it.

    the Gateway is an online RPG were the player is free to do whatever he want, from flying through space to exploring the worlds on foot.

    The player has the ability to create his own ship with adding wings, engines and more. This parts will boost your ship and with differnt upgrades comes new parts and/or upgrades/options

    Currently we're finishing the engine to have a release soon, but we still havn't much content to show. The whole online part already works and the latest parts we have to finish is the AI, wich has proven to be the hardest to accomplish.

    under development you can find information about worlds wich are currently under development.

    for the online forums,

    Hope to see you soon! :)

    Rex van Dorp
    RWare productions

    All ingame screenshots: