Posts by ranathane

    looks like i tried to trade too near reset. I know better now. Someone please unban:




    Personally I like the lvls of the weaps and shields, but some 56k'ers/crappy DSL/CBL do have a tendency to jump around.

    The other day it must have taken me 10 mins to put 4 good shots on a starflyer to kill it (hey guys don't leave NY in a starflyer!). Not cause i'm a bad shot but cause lag on their part kept movin' them and I hadn't updated.

    Maybe we should restrict to low ping only?

    Just my 2 cents.

    MN Clan
    ~MN~Thane[APC], ~MN~Thane[F] and ~MN~Thane[T]

    Hello everyone. SWAT_OP-R8R, wonderful job on the mod!

    The other night I asked one of the server police online [plz note i ain't mad or nothin :)] if there were any kinds of programs that let me see what/where the best prices were for doing a traderoute. I was told that was considered a mod and could get me banned. I should explore (I have. I've dodged more nomads than I care to think about :D). OK NP. If thats the server/mod rules I will follow them. But it got me thinking.

    What if it could be implemented into the mod where a console message giving the best net sale price for a commodity is displayed for everyone to see. Place of purchase and destination are given out but no need for the item to be given as those that have both mapped will know which item to buy. This should encourage mapping all by itself.

    It should also give the pirate, police and mercenary clans something to do as well. The police can guard the purchase and destination systems because of their sense of law and order [101], the mercs can guard the transports; for a price [81], and the pirates will...well...they'll be pirates! 8o

    And even better this system can be implemented WITHOUT any new coding if necessary. I did find some software of that sort but it is all based on the original items, values and bases. I did create a quick Access import that lets me sort the percentages in the commodities.ini file, but it takes me about 10 mins after a new .ini from the server to find the best route (highest sale price-lowest buy price=netprofit; ex. 3000-2576=424 net per unit vs. 960-192=768 net per unit; so sorting can take awhile). Thank you for only changing the percentage values and not the base prices themselves SWAT_OP-R8R!

    I would be happy, if allowed, to give this info freely to whoever is server cop for broadcast to the entire server whenever I'm on. Assuming they can do that of course.

    Now as a final thought, if I should not be using my Access import and manual sort method, SWAT_OP-R8R, let me know and I will deep-six it.

    Good Hunting!

    Chars-Ranathane,Thane,Rana,testy_blah, and more to come...