Posts by Selmor

    Cool reaction
    It is just a matter of time until once more they have to realize that their ignorance is responsible for the destruction of the Freelancer community.
    At least I hope that they are clever enough to realize it once the time has come.

    I have just read that thread over there and the stupidity amazes me. Never before I have seen such a big bunch of big mouths and ignorants.

    I was a long term member of the old TLR and when it broke down I decided not to follow the other modders because I remembered all the trouble they have caused. Meanwhile I can say that this was a very good decision. But now I have the incredible strong feeling to go over there and tell them my opinion.

    I need to calm down now.

    Didn't you see what that man wrote?
    He does not care about the FL community, he does not care about others. Why should he care which damage his community does to other FL communities?

    He always can hide behind his "but they were not part of my dev team". The situation will not change and the Discovery fanboys will do whatever they want, simply because of the fact that they are allowed to do it.
    That is the point.

    There are discovery players doing advertisement on other servers meanwhile. They get the right motivation on the discovery community and act this way.

    Fairplay is dead. But I am glad that Discovery has not even managed it to the Top100 of the mod awards. I am really glad about that. I am glad that two development teams which really do something for the good of FL have been choosen and not such a wannabe mod that is more or less brain washing their members.


    I give you a small lesson in what ppl think about your country (the current one).
    Most of the german cars which get stolen in german appear in poland or on pololish trucks before they can leave the country. pololand has a very high rate of corruption, a high criminality, a respectable bunch of racistic energy and an incredible arrogance.

    And i will say what Poles and rest of the world thinks about Germans. There always to signs on the medal :D

    Germans - bunch of Nazis, killers who will kill anyone expecialy Jewish People because Germans want gold, and gold... and gold... and because they are fuckin Uber Humans. The killers of Inocence Peoples . The Animals, The Beasts . Country where peoples have elected Adolf Hilter and NSDAP by voting. Germans still want to dominate over Europe win every way The Occupators... The Germans Swines with Prussian arogance. and so on so on

    Like World is World the German will not be Brother of Pole


    thats the respect i have for that country after seeing how polish newspapers attacked germany and our soccer team showing cut off bloody heads of our players, claiming that polish players are 16 time more clever than german ones, photo edited pics showing our players in the worst possible cases, racistic comments and paroles.
    And YOU ask for respect? You have the nerves to come here to demand something?
    What has poland done to deserve any respect besides being the first country that was overrun in war? Big mouths. Not more.

    Germany just deserved that ^^ Since the raiding party of German Emperors to Occupation 1939-45 ...
    and because we are really better in football :)

    Like World is World the German will not be Brother of Pole

    btw Germany never shoved us any respect....


    YOU should show respect towards us first before you start demanding something and YOU should be glad that other countries act in a more mature way than poland has done.

    Danzing ist Polnish! And Germany should have respect towards us before DEMANDING DANZING! German are speaking about "mature ways" ? We have seen German mature ways in Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Getto in Warsaw...
    we have seen how "mature" are Barbaria - Germania [7]

    AS I SAID. GERMANS AND POLES WILL BE NEVER FRIEND OR EITHER BROTHERS... and the guilty for this situation lies on German site....

    just do not take it all as personal offend as i not taked this txt about thiefs of car :P


    Originally posted by magnet
    not the word but the fact that some1 called ur president a potato :D [8] [665] [682] [694] [726]

    btw with all this bullsh!t you are bringing shame to both ur country and nation... :(

    PS: president potato pff [uglyhammer]

    Potato is better even than Oral Cabinet in White House


    Yeah end the topic and go to space ^^



    Originally posted by Spiky-
    Well I don't know if Tusk is worse the only thing I know is that hose Kaczynski brothers make me laugh and are not helping anyone, however it seems they like to critisize Germany and the rest of the EU and honestly THEY DO NOT GIVE RESPECT TO MY BELOVED DEUTSCHLAND! So kick them OUT !

    So the Poles should let the Germany gain all EU as they personal folwark? I don't thing so...

    And Your DEUTSCHLAND have no respect for him callin Mr President of Poland a kartofel.... and also a cause of Erika Steinbach....


    AFAIK in English language, countries have capital letters (like Poland) but nationalities are non-capital (like russians or poles or whatever)

    English grammar come from Latin and in Latin Nations are from Capital Letter... even in German it ... so English grammar is not valid...

    and about STFU i will STFU when this marine-guy will d be Fidelis to his Allies and STFU ok?



    All because someone here did not use a capital 'P" when saying "P oles".

    yes because IT IS IMPORTANT


    You assume from your tone, everyone here is a lessor person because he or she is not Polish. You make that statement that you are going to recruit other polish players and then named one or two, then wonder why people attack you here about recruiting from existing clans.

    Thoose from TRF are my chars as i said so where is the Thievery?


    Let me be clear about something, I have 19 years of Honorable service in the United States Marine Corps and I give respect when it's earned. 19 years of helping OTHER countries pry free of tyranny and things of that similar nature. MY country was the Superpower that played a major hand in ending the Soviet Union, hence helping to FREE your country. But you know what? We don't go around bragging what we did, we just do it because its the right thing to do.

    HOORA!!! A Marine!!!
    Free from Tyrany? So "America" will do anything with cause of Last Europe Dicatator in Belarus? Nope... America is too afraid of Russia. Your country was founding the tyrany and everything that was againist comunism and CCCP (one of the Cold War Doctrines) even Usamah bin Laden (called also: The Prince, The Emir) were trained and equpied by CIA .... And do not talk to me that you helped free my country...What was that help? Some Diplomatic Notes... CCCP commited a sucide - yes succide - Gorbachev's PIERESTROJKA were a sucide of USSR... btw you have to remember who "sold" us to "good uncle Joe"

    And did ya know who found "The Cavallary" of your "America"


    The Polish people,

    oh now from big "P"... nice to see it keep writing it that way :D


    I am going to give you some respect, I already painted a "P" on my missles on my fighter so you can see them before you go "boom". And don't run, you will only die tired.

    and about the F-16 America sold to us... those were broken ? Piece of junk ^^ Just read how many stops for repairs those fighter have whne were comming too us...


    Nobody would try to kill Gunny for invading the Irak, even if some sure think that it was unneccesary.

    This was a joinveture ^^


    But fighting for reasons that lie in the history of your country sounds just stupid.

    he said that we need to earn RESPECT for big "P" - the history was my argument that we have already gain RESPECT


    Since when does the home country count on Crossfire or SWAT?




    Originally posted by Spiky-
    Oh wait before you close the thread I'd like to ask BratJan if he can kick the Kaczynski brothers out of Poland because they mess up the image of your beloved country plus they screw around with the EU, dumbasses. Thanks in advance!

    Kick Kaczynski bros? You are from PO? Maybe those two are not good but premier Tusk is even worse...

    I know where the £otwa is - in territory previsous conquered by Livonian Order and then gaved to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Its one of the Baltic States. £otwa have borders with Litwa, Estonia, Rosja ^^ . Second Republic have asissted in defending the Letgallen aganist Red Hordes - the Army of Trocki. And yes £otwa as £otewska SSR were in big shit very big - called USSR
    I'm not talking about that we suffered more other less. I am talking only about this discriminatiom. Other nations names are by big letter so why the hell Poles and Poland should be from small?
    And this whole talking about "eraning" a big Letter? What it is for? Only to piss me off!?


    Originally posted by Tyrael
    Big gangsta don't make me smash u to the ground with Bulgarian history...Every nation have respect to other nation. This is game, no nations here, and if u dont like it, u can leave it. RL life, game, RL life, game....

    I know some of your history. And as i see You are writing your nation by BIG letter. I'm writing it too... even in Germany i am writing big letter, even in Russia i'm writing big letter and i just want to see that other will write Poland, and Poles by big "P" because its a gramar rule also.


    Originally posted by Wavey
    What your country did or didnt do in a war has nothing to do with Freelancer or Crossfire OK!
    If you wish to discuss that sort of stuff use another board such as "real life news"

    he said that nations must earn for big first letter so that were my arguments...


    Originally posted by burro
    @ BratJan

    Welcome to you and your Polish m8s to CrossFire. If I or SMG can be helpful to you or your m8s please ask. SMG is happy to help any and all CrossFire members. SMG are Pirates but we support Crossfire and all of its members whenever needed.

    All this stuff about "earning respect" seems backwards. In my humble opinion, all people that come to play on CrossFire already have respect. People dont need to earn respect; they need to take care not to lose the respect that they already have.

    thank you Burro. Good post


    Originally posted by Gunny
    BratJan.....let's not do a history lesson of who saved who's ass in the past century wont like what I have to say.

    And did you threaten me with death? I will see you server side......

    Gunny now listen to me.I am a noble man. A man of honour.
    From this reason that you offended me i can demand a satisfaction from you (of course if you are not priest or woman and you have to be also man of honour).Then if i will demand it The fight will be not in game but in real life. Btw you prefer melee weapons or pistols? Then one will die... You can also say that you have't got any right at all and you have to write it by big P and you will save your live... Why i don't demand the satisfaction? Because you are just kid... or you are just now playing as a kid...


    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    Cool it, mate. Nobody here cares if you're from Poland, Germany, Mali or Tuvalu. You don't get respect for anything, including Poland by demanding it, only by your actions on the server.

    The Respect for the Nation is not a thing that anyone should earn on silly game. He said that Poland should EARN Respect. So HE TRIES TO OFFEND MY NATION AND THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE.... MY NATION SUFFERED GREATLY IN THE PAST.... even since its creation... so anybody have privilage to talking like that about my NATION (exept those who want suddenly die)

    and thou all gotta understand that!


    Originally posted by Gunny
    Excuse me, but I am about to pee myself from laughing about demanding respect for someone's nation.

    As I see it, even a country has to earn respect, you dont demand it.


    * Ralph Peters â Again and again, Poles rose against their occupiers, only to be savagely put down, with their finest young men slaughtered or marched to Siberian prisons. Then, at the end of the Great War, Poland suddenly reappeared on the maps.

    What did the Poles do? They immediately saved Western civilization yet again. In the now-forgotten "Miracle on the Vistula," a patched-together Polish army turned back the Red hordes headed for Berlin. One of history's most brilliant campaigns, it saved defeated Germany from a communist takeover.
    Poland's thanks? The slaughter of World War II. Then the Soviet occupation.
    From "Shafting the Poles", originally published in the New York Post, December 23, 2003.


    "All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it their major task to destroy all Poles." Heinrich Himmler.


    "[Poles are] more animals than human beings." Joseph Goebbels, Nazi German propaganda minister.

    and so on so on... those are only few from modern history

    so we really need to earn it? OR WE GOT IT?

    i tried to Luc i realy tried to but hen suddenly new clan have been commited a Thievery Company...