Posts by myetal

    I only tried editing out the startup movies as someone stated that this fixed there problem which was exactly the same thing it didn't work so that was that for editing anything i generally don't do it. I am following the guide that was posted now.

    Yes, i have played freelancer before with the mod manager so i know that it is a apain to get rid of if you don't know.

    There is no save games this is a complete fresh start i have uninstalled and reinstalled like 50 times aswell.

    I have tried each and every single shader with each of the compatability modes and i still have the same problem everytime game boots up, after all of the skippable opening stuff before it hits the menu the game goes into a complete black screen and then crashes to the desktop. I have also removed the movies from starting up in the freelancer.ini file aswell as within the crossfire mod and it still doesn't want to work i have put a great deal of hours into this and can't seem to find a fix.

    This is all the log says:

    00:30:52.886 --> [i]:Crossfire is running

    00:31:11.209 --> [x]:Crossfire Exit - CODE1

    00:31:11.469 --> [i]:Crossfire was closed

    I have not added my GPU as while i can find the text document i don't know what or where to add it, I am using a RTX 2070 super.

    I can get the game to boot up with the discovery mod BUT it has no campaign and that is the reason why i am here to play so that mod is useless to me completely i only installed it to see if it would make the game work.