Posts by Barra

    The ban threat seems to happen quite often. If it's not against the posted server rules, I wouldn't worry too much about a ban. Op enforces those rules and bans are ultimately up to him. Use of the batts/nanos can get you chased around, but damn near anything you do can make them do that.

    There was a thread about this sort of thing a couple weeks or so back. Op said you can't be banned for going into those systems, but you can be chased around by the owners if they catch you. My recommendation, write down the names of people threatening you with ban and report it to the admins.

    Mirroring RAIDs are your friend. ;)

    Careful with apparent harddrive failures in servers. I was working with a webhosting company a while back and one of our servers got hacked. Mail server had an unknown flaw in it. Anyways, the hacker made it appear as if the drives were dying to force the system to run a recovery reboot. Soon as it came back up, some program he'd thrown into the services fired up and hosed the server. All the data was recovered, but damned annoying anyways. We had to run a forensic analysis of it (big words for figuring out what he did) before we could certify the system as stable and usable.

    I prefer a fighting chance on KOS than outright ban. You can have a great deal of fun fighting on the run and such against overwhelming odds. If the opposite were true most of us would probably never get out of bed.

    I was reading over Munky's shoulder. I didn't see any "might" in there. I didn't have the fore-thought to keep logs, but I had to quote rules for Munky as I saw a few "leave now or be banned" texts flying past. Only after the rules on clan systems were quoted did the tone of the conversation change.

    Same deal here. I'm in Leeds system. Fresh install, 3d sound off, never been to Altair. Took off from the planet, immediate crash. Can't log in now without crashing to desktop.