Posts by zerotwenty1

    Hi just been playing the single player and I keep running into invincible ships who never seem to run out of armor/shield restores and not only that the shield recharge rate is way too fast. So far its the "outcast" faction ships which seem to be OP. Is there a way I can tone down the AI in a text editor?

    Hello all, firstly thanks for the mod. Have read a lot about it and now recently started to get it working and actually enjoy it!

    I had many problems with my installation experience, I followed the instructions word for word and things kept breaking all over the place. Took a lot of trial and error in the end.

    Anyway what worked for me was these steps:

    1. Fresh install of Freelancer
    2. Install FLMM 1.3
    3. Run crossfire mod installation
    4. Copy all the files from the Crossfire mod folder inside FLMM's mod folder and copy them into your Freelancer folder
    5. Go into the Freelancer folder options and unselect "read only" and yes to do this for all subfolders.
    6. Set FLMM, and the Crossfire exe (Freelancer folder -> EXE folder and named simply "Freelancer") to run in "XP compatibility mode"
    7. After all of this is done run FLMM and find your Freelancer directory, make sure it has found this correctly and doesn't spawn errors.
    8. Click activate mod (make sure you have enough space on HD! it needs the full 6.5gb again for temp) and it should all run sweet after that.

    This is purely for people who tried everything they found on forums/google etc and still came up with problems. Some steps can probably be missed or in fact make no difference at all.

    Hope this helps someone!