Posts by feathin

    Ah, thanks. The link in that other post failed after downloading 50% (which since it was giving me 10Kb/Sec took over an hour) so I'd just given up on getting Crossfire. Now with flashget it is maintaining 60Kb/Sec and hopefully using several mirrors and by such avoiding the cut-off problem. We'll see.

    Downloading Crossfire from The Lancer's Reactor always fails for me, cutting off after ~20 meg has downloaded. I saw in the comments that others had the same problem and were told to download it from the Crossfire website, so I tried that, but the file doesn't exist there anymore. Is there any other place to download it?

    Just noticed that there is a Crossfire forum...darn it. Sorry for posting this in the wrong place, and apparently I can't delete the thread even though no one has replied. So my apologies for posting in the wrong place. And I found this thread that gives a link that hopefully will let me get the complete download. *crosses fingers*